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Exedra Consult was involved in the following transactions:

Exedra Consult has been able to supervise numerous transactions and assignments over almost 20 years. This for purchase and sale projects of various clients, such as Dutch and international insurers, brokers, MGAs and Private Equity and other investment companies.



These insurers include ASR, Aegon, Allianz, Ethias, Hartford, HDI, Federale, KBC, Nippon Koa, Maaslloyd, Munich Re, NN, Reaal, TVM and Zurich.

For brokers and MGA companies, these include AON, Acrisure, Ecclesia, Dupi, Ardonagh, Meijers, Global Group, Raetsheren vO, Söderberg, Van Breda, Veldsink, SAA and Yousure.

The investment companies include CVC, CapitalA, Bencis, Egeria, HAL, HG, Waterland, Newport, Ackermans van Haaren and Bridgepoint.

In addition, there have been transactions with companies such as Van Ameyden, CED, Dekra and Troostwijk in the Claims/valuation segment and with Ooijens van Eeghen, ING, Ingsinger, OHV, and Kempen in wealthmanagement.